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7 Tips For A Pet-Friendly House Removal

Unlike humans, pets do not understand the concept of a house removal, which can make the moving process difficult for them. As a pet owner, you want to provide safety and comfort of your furry, feathered or scaled friends during a move to avoid distress.

Don’t worry about moving house with pets because our 7 essential tips will make your house removal as animal-friendly as possible. So, whether you have a playful puppy, a curious cat or any other pet, read on to learn how you can ease their journey to a new home.


Moving Home With Pets 

Moving home with cats, dogs or any other type of pet requires a few extra steps. Preparing your pet for relocation is the best way to minimise the stress they can experience during a house move. Here are some essential steps to prepare your pet for the big day:


Visit the Vet

  • Health check-up – Schedule a visit to the vet for a general check-up before the move. Ensure that your pet is healthy and fit for travel.
  • Vaccinations – Make sure all vaccinations are up-to-date — especially if you’re moving to a new area with different health risks or requirements.
  • Travel considerations – Discuss any travel concerns with your vet. If you’re moving home with dogs or cats prone to anxiety or motion sickness, ask about appropriate medications or remedies.
  • Health records – Request a copy of your pet’s health records to take with you, as you’ll need this if you are changing veterinarians.


ID and Microchip Update

  • Update microchip information – When moving house with pets, you must update their microchip details with your new address and contact information in case your pet escapes or gets lost during the move.
  • Collar tags – Replace the old tags with new ones to include your new address and a reliable contact number. Visible identification can help neighbours or strangers return your pet if they wander off.


Packing Pet Essentials

Moving day can be hectic and the last thing you want is to turn over boxes looking for your pet’s necessities. Packing a pet essentials kit is crucial to keep your pet comfortable and stress-free during the move. Here’s what to include:


Food and Water

Pack enough food and water to last your pet several days. Changes in routine can upset your pet’s stomach, so sticking with their regular diet during the move is important.


Include portable, no-spill bowls for feeding and hydration on the go.


Don’t forget any medications your pet regularly takes, along with a first-aid kit for emergencies.

Favourite Toys

Familiar toys can soothe your pet and provide a sense of normalcy and security.


Bring their favourite blanket or bed to give them a comfortable place to rest during and immediately after the move.

Leash and Collar

These are essential for keeping your pet safe and secure, especially when you’re in unfamiliar places.

Waste Bags/Litter and Box

Maintain your usual routine as much as possible to help your pet adjust to the changes around them.

Grooming Supplies: Keep grooming tools handy to keep your pet feeling and looking their best, which is especially important if they get dirty during the move.


Keep the kit accessible

  • Easily Access: Keep this essentials kit in your vehicle or in a clearly labelled box that travels with you, not with the movers. This way, you can access any items your pet might need during the journey at a moment’s notice.
  • Prepare for the First Night: Assume you won’t be able to unpack everything on the first day. The moving house with a pet kit should contain everything your fur babies need to comfortably get through the first few nights in the new home.


How to Safetly Transport Your Pets on Moving Day

Moving house is full of activity and can be particularly unsettling for pets. Making sure they stay safe and comfortable during this chaotic time needs careful planning and consideration. 


On Moving Day

Secure environment – Designate a quiet room in your current home where your pet can stay until it’s time to leave. This room should be emptied of moving boxes and have a door or gate to keep your pet secure. Leave familiar items like their bedding, toys and some water with them to keep them calm. If you can, consider having a friend or pet sitter watch your pet during the loading process.

Minimise stress – Moving house with dogs and cats can be extremely distressing for them. So keep their routine as normal as possible. Feed and walk your pet at the usual times and try to keep your composure so your pet doesn’t pick up on any unnecessary stress.

Consider a pet sitter – If your pet is particularly anxious, you might want to consider boarding them or having a pet sitter take them for the day to reduce their stress and keep them away from the chaos of packing and being surrounded by professional movers.


Transporting Your Pet to Your New Home

Safe transport – Whether you’re travelling by car or plane, ensuring your pet’s safety during transport is crucial. Use a sturdy, well-ventilated pet carrier large enough for your pet to stand, turn around and lie down comfortably. Secure the carrier with a seatbelt in the car to prevent it from shifting.

Prepare for the journey – If travelling by car, prepare your pet by taking them on shorter trips leading up to the move. This can help them become accustomed to longer durations in their carrier. During the drive, make regular stops to allow your pet to stretch, use the bathroom and drink water.

Familiarisation: Place a familiar blanket or toy in the carrier to comfort your pet. This can be soothing, especially if it has a familiar scent. 


Introducing Your Pet to the New Home

To make the home-moving transition smoother for your furry friends, it’s important to introduce them to their new home carefully and patiently.

Upon arrival, set up a dedicated area for your pet that resembles their old environment. This should include:

  • Their favourite bed or blanket
  • Familiar toys
  • Their usual food and water bowls

Maintain the same feeding, walking and playtime schedule as before. Consistency in their daily routine can greatly help reduce anxiety and provide a sense of familiarity in the new setting.

Allow your pet to explore the new home at their own pace. Start by introducing them to one room at a time, keeping other doors closed to prevent overwhelming them. As they become more comfortable, gradually open up more of the home to them.

Before letting your pet roam freely, ensure that all windows and doors are secure and check that there are no potential hazards like loose wires or toxic plants. If you have a yard, inspect the fencing to make sure there are no escape routes.


Move with Ease – Trust Us to Care for Your Whole Family

At South Park Removals, we understand that moving is a big moment for every member of your family — including the four-legged ones. We specialise in providing a complete home removal service that takes into account the needs of all your family members, ensuring that everyone, including your pets, experiences a comfortable and stress-free move. Our team is trained to handle your belongings with care and ensure that your pets’ comfort and safety are prioritised.

Contact South Park Removals today for a comprehensive home removal service that caters to the needs of your entire family. Let us take the stress out of moving so you can focus on settling into your new home comfortably and quickly. Visit our website to get started on your stress-free move today.

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